1964 – The Venice Charter
The Venice Charter, a “significant landmark in the modern recognition and safeguarding of cultural heritage,” represents an evolution of the modern concepts of cultural heritage from the 18th century onwards (Jokilehto n.d.). Established at the 2nd International Congress of Architects and Specialists of Historic Buildings, the Venice Charter was the first resolution passed at the meeting.
ICOMOS was created in the Congress’ second resolution, and the Venice Charter was adopted the following year (1965) as a founding document of ICOMOS.

1964 Venice Charter
Congresso internazionale del restauro Venezia, 1964., and International council of monuments and sites. 1971. Il Monumento per L’uomo : Atti Del 2. Congresso Internazionale Del Restauro = Le Monument Pour L’homme : Actes Du II CongrèS International de La Restauration = the Monument for the Man : Records of the II International Congress of Restoration : Venezia, 25-31 Maggio 1964. Padova: Marsilio.